Due to the ongoing strike at Canada Post, physical copies of the newsletter will not be mailed out. You can pick up your December/January Newsletter in the Moriyama Nikkei Heritage Centre from 10:00am to 7:00pm. Until further notice, Newsletters will be filed alphabetically by last names in the boxes on the table to the right as you enter the MNHC. 

Sedai: Oral History Catalogue

The Japanese Canadian Legacy Project

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Title Accession number Period Language Event Location Topic
Interview with Tosh Uyeda 2010.040 World War II English Redress, World War II Vancouver, BC, Powell Street, Vancouver, BC, Hastings Park, Vancouver, Japan, Slocan City, BC, Lemon Creek, BC, Popoff, BC, Toronto, ON, New Denver, BC, Kitsilano, BC education, transportation, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Buddhism, Japanese language school, family, Asahi Baseball Team, food, housing, living conditions, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), work, employment, festivals, children, travel, health, sports, language, Chinatown, marriage, gardening, church, dance, teaching, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), Japan town