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Sedai: Oral History Catalogue

The Japanese Canadian Legacy Project

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Title Accession number Period Language Event Location Topic
Interview with Rose Kutsukake (nee Taipei) 2010.003 Pre War, Post War, World War II English World War II, Relocation, Forced Removal, Internment Powell Street, Vancouver, BC, Vancouver, BC, Slocan City, BC, Toronto, ON marriage, Asahi Baseball Team, work, housing
Interview with Ross Hiroshi Shin 2010.046 Pre War, Post War, World War II English World War II, Relocation, Forced Removal, Deportation, Internment Tashme, BC, Hastings Park, Vancouver, Toronto, ON, Guelph, ON, Vancouver, BC, Japan agriculture, farming, employment, education, social activity, martial arts, living conditions, family, bathhouse, logging, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), fishing, baseball, music, religion, Buddhism, clothing, Japanese language school, community, dance, marriage, music, travel, nisei
Interview with Ross Shin (Japanese Canadian Experience Conference) 2010.323.04.04.03 English
Interview with Roy Akira Nagamatsu 2010.074 World War II, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s English Redress, World War II, Relocation, Forced Removal, Attack on Pearl Harbour, Internment Hamilton, ON, New Denver, BC, Montreal, QC, Toronto, ON agriculture, detention camps, displacement, family, funeral, food, ghost towns, issei, Japan, logging, marriage, military, nisei, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), social life, sports, travel, work, Jewish community, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), religion, fishing, road camps, health, deportation, British Columbia Security Commission, employment, newspaper, Nikkei Voice newspaper, sansei, yonsei
Interview with Roy Akira Nagamatsu (Japanese Canadian Experience Conference) 2010.323.02.00.02 English Vancouver, BC
Interview with Roy Honda (Japanese Canadian Experience Conference) 2010.323.11.01.02 English
Interview with Roy Kazuyoshi Nakagawa 2019.205 World War II English Internment Ocean Falls, BC, Slocan City, BC, Ontario, Canada, Japan, Vancouver, BC, Winnipeg, MB education, career, teaching, family, logging, immigration, language, living conditions, employment, discrimination, gardening, housing, food, community, Japanese language school, recreation, church, social life, Christianity, martial arts, sports, curfew, displacement, United Church, dance, social activity, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC)
Interview with Roy Matsui 2010.047 Pre War, Post War, World War II English Redress, World War II, Relocation, Attack on Pearl Harbour, Internment USA, Vancouver, BC, Japan, Marpole, BC, Sandon, BC, Montreal, QC, New Denver, BC, Ottawa, ON, Etobicoke, ON, Lemon Creek, BC, Angler, ON, Toronto, ON immigration, marriage, employment, family, travel, education, mining, relocation centres, ghost towns, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), nisei, community, Prisoner of War (POW), career, housing, internment camps, police, photography, discrimination, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), military, British Columbia Security Commission, curfew, mining, language, social activity, living conditions, music, boat works, language, sports, Asahi Baseball Team, radio, health, food, Momiji, transportation, language, religion, Buddhism, Anglicanism
Interview with Roy Nakagawa (Japanese Canadian Experience Conference) 2010.323.11.03.06 English
Interview with Roy Sato 2012.006 Pre War, Post War, World War II, World War I English World War I, World War II, Forced Removal, Internment Japan, Royston, BC, Hastings Park, Vancouver, Sandon, BC, Slocan City, BC, New Denver, BC, Petawawa, ON, Vancouver Island, BC issei, immigration, family, farming, agriculture, road camps, ghost towns, health, buildings, internment camps, clothing, food, children, nisei, mining, buildings, teaching, recreation, children, detention camps, communities, education, agriculture, community, police, transportation, logging, health, communities, Buddhism, temple, religion, internment camps, Jewish community, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
Interview with Roy Sato (Japanese Canadian Experience Conference) 2013.323.03.00.03 English
Interview with Roy Shintani 2013.249 English
Interview with Roy Takumi Honda 2010.044 Post War, World War II English Redress, World War II, Relocation, Forced Removal, Attack on Pearl Harbour Japan, USA, Whiterock, BC, Vancouver, BC, Cloverdale, Surrey, BC, Chapleau, ON, Hamilton, ON, London, ON, 11 Mile, BC, Woodfibre, BC, Tashme, BC, Hiroshima, Japan immigration, family, employment, picture bride, marriage, National Association of Japanese Canadian (NAJC), communities, language, music, dance, social activity, children, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), church, transportation, discrimination, health, Jewish community, gardening, Trans Canada Highway, travel, road camps, farming, fishing, sports, festivals, living conditions, food, Buddhism, religion, Anglicanism, farming, education
Interview with Roy Tanaka 2013.178 English
Interview with Roy Tsuda 2013.129 English
Interview with Rubiko "Ruby" Fukumoto (nee Morita) (February 18, 2009) 2010.013 English
Interview with Rubiko "Ruby" Fukumoto (nee Morita) (July 13, 2011) 2011.350 Pre War, Post War, World War II, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s English Redress, World War II, Forced Removal, Attack on Pearl Harbour, Internment Alberta, Canada, Calgary, AB, Japan, Victoria, BC, Hastings Park, Vancouver, Slocan City, BC, Bay Farm, BC, Revelstoke, BC, Chatham, ON, Ontario, Canada, Toronto, ON immigration, Japan, family, work, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), Jewish community, career, dance, farming, discrimination, small business, church, community, education, employment, language, marriage, housing, social activity, road camps, bathhouse, Japanese language school
Interview with Ruby Fukumoto (Japanese Canadian Experience Conference) 2010.323.08.02.08 English
Interview with Ruby Fukumoto (Japanese Canadian Experience Conference) 2010.323.08.00.03 English
Interview with Ruby Shikaze (Japanese Canadian Experience Conference) 2010.323.08.05.10 English
Interview with Sab Takata (Japanese Canadian Experience Conference) 2010.323.03.00.07 English
Interview with Sachi(ko) Takahashi (Japanese Canadian Experience Conference) 2010.323.04.04.05 English
Interview with Sachiko Takahashi (nee Kodama) 2010.034 World War II English World War II, Internment Japan, Vancouver, BC, Marpole, BC, New Denver, BC, Slocan City, BC, Hastings Park, Vancouver, Nelson, BC, Lemon Creek, BC, Toronto, ON, Guelph, ON, Etobicoke, ON, USA church, family, education, fishing, children, discrimination, internment camps, living conditions, Japanese language school, teaching, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), health, police, festivals, clothing, travel, transportation, music, discrimination, logging, children, travel, language, dance, marriage, photography, employment, gardening, Shinto
Interview with Sam Sadaki Baba 2011.346 English
Interview with Sam Yamada 2010.001 Pre War, Post War, World War II, 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s English World War II, Forced Removal, Internment Vancouver, BC, Hastings Park, Vancouver, Toronto, ON, USA education, photography, family, employment, Japanese language school, travel, internment camp, curfew, small business, Jewish community, sports, travel, work
Interview with Setsuko Thurlow (Japanese Canadian Experience Conference) 2010.323.09.03.08 English
Interview with Shigeo "William" Seko 2010.037 Pre War, Post War, World War II, 1900s, 1910s, 1940s, 1950s, 1970s English Redress, World War II, Relocation, Forced Removal, Internment Vancouver, BC, Hiroshima, Japan, Japan, Haney, BC, Maple Ridge, BC, Angler, ON, Petawawa, ON, Lemon Creek, BC, Oakville, ON, Toronto, ON, Angler, ON, Japan, Lemon Creek, BC, Maple Ridge, BC, Oakville, ON, Vancouver, BC family, boat works, farming, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), volunteer, children, employment, logging, education, language, food, internment camps, road camps, bathhouse, military, censorship, sports, health, deportation, travel, housing, religion, transportation
Interview with Shinko Mary Kato (Japanese Canadian Experience Conference) 2010.323.07.01.02 English
Interview with Shizue Matsui (Japanese Canadian Experience Conference) 2010.323.02.00.07 English Vancouver, BC
Interview with Shizuko "Sue" Kadoguchi 2010.007 English Redress, World War II, Relocation, Forced Removal, Internment New Westminster, BC, Woodfibre, BC, Tashme, BC, Hastings Park, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Toronto, ON United Church, Ikebana, volunteer, children, family, marriage, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC)
Interview with Shizuye Matsui (nee Kosaka) 2011.048 Pre War, Post War English Redress, Attack on Pearl Harbour, Internment Japan, Vancouver, BC, Hastings Park, Vancouver, Kitsilano, BC, Winnipeg, MB, Lemon Creek, BC, Slocan City, BC, Montreal, QC, Toronto, ON, Kingston, ON, Kaslo, BC immigration, education, language, marriage, employment, United Church, gardening, ghost towns, family, road camps, food, children, housing, discrimination, music, religion, Buddhism, travel
Interview with Shoji Takahashi 2010.033 World War II English Redress, World War II, Attack on Pearl Harbour, Internment Vancouver, BC, Japan, Bridge River, BC, Angler, ON, Toronto, ON, Powell Street, Vancouver, BC, Winnipeg, MB, Montreal, QC, Manitoba, Canada, Ukraine, New Denver, BC, Kelowna, BC, Slocan City, BC immigration, transportation, discrimination, education, family, road camps, self-supporting camps, Prisoner of War (POW), family, ghost towns, health, food, children, Japan town, Japanese language school, Buddhism, festivals, children, internment camps, police, photography, Asahi Baseball Team, logging, travel, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), volunteer, language, dance, religion, church, farming, agriculture
Interview with Shoji Takahashi (Japanese Canadian Experience Conference) 2010.323.04.04.06 English
Interview with Sid Ikeda (Japanese Canadian Experience Conference) 2010.323.07.03.05 English
Interview with Sidney "Sid" Ikeda 2010.023 Pre War, Post War, World War II English World War II, Relocation, Forced Removal, Centennial, Internment Vancouver, BC, Hastings Park, Vancouver, Tashme, BC, New Denver, BC road camps, education, career, communities, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), social activity, displacement
Interview with Sono Sugie 2013.241 English
Interview with Stan and Aileen Yokota 2012.241 English
Interview with Stan Hiraki (Japanese Canadian Experience Conference) 2010.323.07.04.07 English
Interview with Stan Umeda (Japanese Canadian Experience Conference) 2010.323.09.04.09 English
Interview with Sue Kadoguchi (Japanese Canadian Experience Conference) 2010.323.11.04.07 English
Interview with Sue Kai (nee Matsugu) 2010.021 Pre War, Post War, World War II, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s English World War II, Relocation, Forced Removal, Attack on Pearl Harbour, Internment Vancouver, BC, Kaslo, BC, Chatham, ON, Toronto, ON Asahi Baseball Team, family, food, housing, newspaper, dance, nisei, internment camp, church, volunteer, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), community
Interview with Sue Michibata (Japanese Canadian Experience Conference) 2010.323.04.05.08 English
Interview with Susan Hidaka 2011.038 Pre War, Post War English Redress Okanagan, BC, Japan, Calgary, AB, Toronto, ON, USA housing, family, music, education, farming, food, language, Momiji, volunteer, clothing, discrimination, religion, sports, fishing, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), National Association of Japanese Canadian (NAJC), employment, travel
Interview with Tak and Pollie Nishino (nee Onishi) 2011.010 Pre War, Post War, World War II English Redress, Attack on Pearl Harbour, Internment Victoria, BC, Japan, Sandon, BC, Bay Farm, BC, Toronto, ON, Hastings Park, Vancouver, Lemon Creek, BC, Angler, ON, Hamilton, ON, Petawawa, ON, Schreiber, ON family, Asahi Baseball Team, travel, radio, music, road camps, military, ghost towns, clothing, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), odori, health, children, censorship, housing, bathhouse, sports, employment, marriage, religion, Buddhism, volunteer, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), language, education, British Columbia Security Commission, food, Prisoner of War (POW)
Interview with Tak Nishino (Japanese Canadian Experience Conference) 2010.323.07.05.08 English
Interview with Takasaki Family: Yukio Tannoch, Hideo Takasaki and Miyeko Sugamori 2013.173 English
Interview with Takayuki Nagano 2013.199 English
Interview with Takehiko "Tak" Yoshida 2013.141 Post War, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s English, Japanese Japan, Toronto, ON immigration, career, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), family
Interview with Taketo Murata 2013.128 English
Interview with Tamio Wakayama 2010.056 English