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Sedai: Oral History Catalogue

The Japanese Canadian Legacy Project

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Title Accession number Period Language Event Location Topic
Interview with Roy Sato 2012.006 Pre War, Post War, World War II, World War I English World War I, World War II, Forced Removal, Internment Japan, Royston, BC, Hastings Park, Vancouver, Sandon, BC, Slocan City, BC, New Denver, BC, Petawawa, ON, Vancouver Island, BC issei, immigration, family, farming, agriculture, road camps, ghost towns, health, buildings, internment camps, clothing, food, children, nisei, mining, buildings, teaching, recreation, children, detention camps, communities, education, agriculture, community, police, transportation, logging, health, communities, Buddhism, temple, religion, internment camps, Jewish community, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)