Preceded by a performance by JCCC Kyowa Taiko Drumming Troupe / TJFF Closing Night
Based on Jiro Asada’s seminal historical fiction novel Daimyo Tousan, this samurai comedy-drama follows a peaceful young man and his salmon-dealing father. But the son’s life is turned upside-down when he discovers he is the descendant of a shogun and heir to what appears to be a fortune. However, he is faced with a costly dilemma on discovering the title comes with a debt of ¥10 billion. Can he raise the money? Can he declare bankruptcy? Will he be forced to commit hara-kiri?
A light-hearted, fast-paced slice of screw-ball samurai entertainment with sumptuous costuming and an all-star cast.
©2023 "WE'RE BROKE, MY LORD!" Film Partners